Membership Application Form

Associate Member

1. Criteria for application as Associate Member:
    (a) 21 years of age or more
    (b) has been professionally engaged in Feng Shui practice for a minimum period of one year; and
    (c) no criminal records
2. Associate Members are entitled to exercise full voting rights in the affairs of the Association and are entitled to use the letters “AIFSA”. 
3. Associate Members shall be eligible to hold office in the Association.
4. Annual membership fee is S$188 per annum, or $452 for 3 years.

IFSA Associate Membership requires approval from IFSA Membership Committee.
To complete your membership application, p
lease submit the following documents separately via email to [email protected], indicating your full name on subject line:

1. Duly completed Membership Application Form (download form here)
2. A 
short CV for your feng shui journey
Certificates of your feng shui education
Certificate of business registration for your company, showing clearly the foundation date
Any other documents you deemed fit, so to validate your feng shui qualification.



IFSC 2024
Registration Opens Now!
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